系列讲座(12月13日第六讲): 最优疾控的数学理论及算法 (Mathematical Theory and Algorithms for Optimal Epidemic Controlling)





系列讲座: 最优疾控的数学理论及算法


第六讲:Mini-workshop “Math-Ecology and Control of Mosquito-Borne Diseases”               


时间: 2019121314:30-17:30



讲座主持人: 黄森忠教授(智英健康数据研究中心,Nankai Univ. & Univ. Rostock)


报告1Bifurcation and spatiotemporal patterns in a predator-prey model



时间: 2019121314:30-15:30


报告人: 王玮明 教授淮阴师范学院


报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce our recent work on pattern formation in a predator-prey model incorporating a prey refuge. We mainly consider Hopf bifurcation and steady-state bifurcation which bifurcate from the constant positive steady-state of the model. In the case of Hopf bifurcation, by the center manifold theory and the normal form method, we establish the bifurcation direction and stability of bifurcating periodic solutions; in the case of steady-state bifurcation, by the local and global bifurcation theories, we prove the existence of the steady-state bifurcation, and find that there are two typical bifurcations, Turing bifurcation and Turing-Hopf bifurcation. Via numerical simulations, we find that the model exhibits not only stationary Turing pattern induced by diffusion which is dependent on space and independent of time, but also temporal periodic pattern induced by Hopf bifurcation which is dependent on time and independent of space, and spatiotemporal pattern induced by Turing-Hopf bifurcation which is dependent on both time and space. This is a joint work with Dr. Yongli Cai.





报告2Mitigating the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases with Wolbachia


时间: 2019121315:30-16:30


报告人: 薛玲 教授哈尔滨工程大学


报告摘要:Mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria are less capable of transmitting dengue fever, Zika, and chikungunya and have reduced egg laying rates, and shorter lifespans. In this talk, I present the mathematical model developed to derive the threshold for releasing Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes and to quantify the impact of infecting wild Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes with different strains of Wolbachia in reducing the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases. The results may provide guidance on implementing the release of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoesto mitigate the transmission of vector-borne diseases.


报告人简介: 薛玲,哈尔滨工程大学数学科学学院教授、博士生导师,生物数学团队学科带头人。201312月在美国堪萨斯州立大学获得博士学位,师从Caterina Scoglio教授(LeRoy and Aileen Paslay Professor,博士期间主要研究的问题是复杂网络中病媒传播疾病的建模与分析。 2014年至2016年,在美国杜兰大学数学系与数学计算科学中心,从事博士后研究工作, 合作导师是James. M. Hyman教授(Evelyn and John G. Phillips Distinguished professor2016年至2017年,受到加拿大太平洋数学研究院和加拿大曼尼托巴大学数学系的联合资助,在加拿大曼尼托巴大学数学系担任太平洋数学科学研究所研究员,合作者是Julien Arino Felicia Magpantay2016年开始在哈尔滨工程大学工作,受学校青年学术骨干基金支持,主要从事数学生物学、数学流行病学、动态复杂网络、最优控制方面的研究。主持完成了国家自然基金青年一项。作为主要参与人,参与完成了美国国家自然科学基金项目、美国国家卫生院项目,美国农业部项目等。刚刚获批了一项国际联合基金。已毕业的四名硕士研究生中有三人获得了国家奖学金。



报告3Stage-structured Predator-prey Models: from Constant Delay to  State-dependent Delay


时间: 2019121316:30-17:30


报告人: 刘胜强 教授天津工业大学


报告摘要:In this talk, we discuss stage-structured predator-prey modeling from types of constant delay to that of state-dependent delay (hereafter SDTD). For the SDTD case, we consider the model with general nonlinear type of function response. First, for a large class of commonly used types of functional responses, including Holling types I, II  and III, Beddington -DeAngelis-type (hereafter BD-type), etc, it is shown that the predator coexists with prey permanently iff the predator's net reproduction number is larger than one unit. Secondly, the local stability of equilibria of the model are also discussed. Finally, for the special case of BD-type functional response, it is shown that if the system is permanent, that the derivative of SDTD on the state is small enough and that the predator interference is large enough, then the coexistence equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable.



报告人简介: 刘胜强教授,2002年于中国科学院数学研究所获博士学位, 2003-2004年在芬兰Turku大学从事博士后工作,2005—2007年任厦门大学数学科学学院副教授,2007年至201910月任哈尔滨工业大学教授、博士生导师,自201910月起任天津工业大学数学科学学院教授、博士生导师。现任中国数学会生物数学分会常务理事、副秘书长,《Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering》、《生物数学学报》编委。研究领域为生物数学、动力系统。先后主持国家自然科学基金三项,出版专著1本、参与编著两本,先后指导博士生10人,硕士生15人,在SIAM Journal on Applied MathematicsJournal of Differential EquationsBulletin of Mathematical BiologyMathematical Biosciences等应用数学领域知名学术期刊上发表SCI论文70余篇。